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Activities to Build Phonological Awareness

There are many great resources available online to help you find activities in order to help your child build Phonological Awareness skills.  Again, the development of Phonological Awareness is extremely important for future success in the area of reading.  Below, I have included some of my favorite online resources. 


Here you will be connected to a site called "Phonological Awareness."  The great thing about this site is that if you follow the tabs at the top you will be connected to an abundance of activities to address the skills found on the "phonological continuum of skills." A review of the continuum can be found HERE.








​By clicking the following buttons, you will be linked to several pdf's created by Florida Center for Reading Research, which will provide you with awesome printable games and activities. 


Carl’s Corner is a site with a wealth of teaching activity ideas and materials that you really will want to check out.  The first button is just one of many sections for phonemic awareness activities, and the second button will take you to the main site for access to many other reading skills topics.  You will find activities for rhyming, syllables, vowels, etc.

This site will link you to a variety of worksheets for phonemic awareness and phonics activities. 

This next link is a SUPER SOURCE of activities and information on phonemic awareness and phonological awareness building skills.  The site is called Reading Rockets, and this particular link brings you to connections to the top ten resources.





























This link will connect you to a PDF about activities you can do to help your child isolate the beginning sounds of words, which is an extremely important phonemic awareness skill.  The page is basically geared towards teachers; however, the information is great and can be modified for home use.






This is an excellent site that is loaded with phonological awareness activities. Clear descriptors are given for each clickable activity, and all components of phonological and phonemic awareness are included. It's geared towards teachers, but I wouldn't want to omit this website from this resource list.






This last item I am connecting you to is a 48 page PDF that was designed just for parents!  The first 14 pages are about phonemic awareness.  The other topics include phonics, comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary which, are all the core pillars of reading.  You will be given lots of practical literacy tips as well.














This button is a link to a great resource in PDF form, which will provide easy to read information about phonological awareness along with activiites.  Some of the information is geared more for teachers, but is transferable to home.  One activity I want to point out is the Elkonin Boxes on PDF page 9.  It's a great activity for working on phonemic level skills and is explained well here.  There are other sites  in which you can obtain Elkonin Boxes to work with to support what you have learned from the PDF. Click the two images below titled 'Additional Elkonin Resources' for additional Elkonin Box links.  I have also included a video on Elkonin Boxes.

Additional Elkonin Resources

Click each image

Excellent Elkonin Box How-To-Video


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