Sight Word Activity 2:
Another way to practice sight words is by using premade PowerPoints of the Fry Words (I will attach links to several online sites that I have used.) When using PowerPoint slide shows, I do want to point out that sometimes the speed of the presentation is too fast for the student; therefore, you can either adjust the time within the presentation or just click through the slide at your own pace without actually 'starting the slide show'.
Additionally, the links below also connect you to PowerPoint slides for "Fry Word Phrases". What this means is that instead of practicing the words one word a time, phrases were created out of each individual list of Fry Words. Instead of reading one word per slide, your child will practice Fry word fluency by reading two to four words per slide.
I suggest beginning practice with the "Fry Phrases" only after the Fry Words have been mastered in isolation. Again, the phrases will be great fluency practice.
The following is a link to PowerPoint slides of the Fry Words in isolation. This links also offers some "phrase form" of the words:
The following is a link to PowerPoint slides of the Fry Words in "phrase form":
You can also find many options on YouTube for lists and phrases. The above sites have always been my own go to sites.