A Guide to Understanding Dyslexia and Being
Connected to Resources
Watch this very informative, but brief video on DYSLEXIA.
This link takes you to a great resource site called Reading Rockets. All the information is researched based. By clicking this link, you will be taken to the information particularly regarding dyslexia; however, this site covers everything about reading.
Click the image above
Reading Rockets - Dyslexia Pages
Text-to-Speech Tehcnology:
More and more text to speech programs and software are being developed all the time. Text-to-speech allows struggling readers to have access to books for both pleasure and learning. The first source below will provide you with additional information about text-to speech, followed by several text-to-speech resources for you to consider. I personally have used Bookshare with many students, and I find it to be an amazing assistive technology device for students with reading disabilities.
Several Speech to Text Links:
This is a very good video about Dyslexia and ADD. It is 27 minutes long.
Published on Nov 11, 2013
"In Headstrong's first film, we provide an overview of dyslexia and attention deficit disorder while exploring the brave lives of diverse individuals persevering in a world not designed with them in mind. Please visit us at www.headstrongnation.org for additional information, inspiration, and support."
Beneficial Apps to Support Individuals with Dyslexia: