Learning Basic Math Facts
Tips to Help Children Learn and Memorize Math Facts
This site by Longevity Publishing offers practical and sensible suggestions for helping your child find success with math facts.
To Master Basic Math Facts: Strategize, then Memorize
A brief list of some great ideas.
Top 12 Tips for Teaching Math Facts
Great straight forward information TeachHub.com
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Math Fact Apps:
My Math Flash Card App is for mastering basic elementary math facts. Its an easy to use and customizable application to enable focused learning. Some of the salient features are: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Cards. The Flash Cards are randomly generated. There are simple sound effects to provide feedback. Contents can be customize to focus mastering a particular fact like Addition by 2 or subtracting by 2.
For iPhone and iPad
My Math App
Math Fact Master
This app's core concept was to create a flexible solution that a grade school child can easily navigate and that is robust enough to grow with your child as they grow their math knowledge. Overview –
• FLASHCARD mode (practice) – Allows children to practice specific number sets and operators in the proven learning style of flashcards. Watch the flashcards flip like real flashcards!
• CHALLENGE mode (exam) – Lets children test what they have learned by having to type in the answer
For iPhone and iPad
Math Garden
MathGarden is a fun way for kids to learn maths. You just: Answer maths questions to earn water, then water your garden to grow corn. Then harvest the corn to unlock awards! ...but keep the water flowing though, or the corn with wither and die.
Game settings include:
Math types: Focus on addition, subtraction, multiplication or division - any or all of them!
3 levels: Easy (eg 3+4), Medium (eg. 6 x 7) and Hard (eg 13x14) based on the expected learning levels for kids 4-15y.o.
Unlock awards based on how much corn you harvest, and how many active plots you are growing on.
For iPhone and iPad
Times Tables Quiz
Think you know your times tables? 6x7 = 48, 42, 36 or 52 ?
How many multiplications can you resolve in a row? What if time matters? Train yourself and challenge your friends (or parents!) in a math high-score competition!
- Questions from 2x2 to 12x12
- Smart multiple choice answers generation
- Progressive difficulty
- Best score
For iPhone and iPad
Arithmetic Invaders Express
Play one of Arithmetic Invaders: Express addition, subtraction and multiplication games to defend the solar system and master K-2 arithmetic. Also, learn some basic facts about the Solar System.
* Count up Game
* Count down Game
* Addition Game
* Two Subtraction Games
* Multiplication Game
* Basic facts about the Solar System
* Focus on Math problems to avoid random shoot-out
* Complete missions to move to the next level and earn space pilot ranks
* Collect insignia
* Apply fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination
For iPhone and iPad
Number Frames
Number Frames help students structure numbers to five, ten, twenty, and one hundred. Students use the frames to count, represent, compare, and compute with numbers in a particular range.
The frames help students see quantities as equal groups of other quantities and in relation to benchmark quantities. This helps primary students move away from one-by-one counting toward more efficient ways of counting and computing. As students advance, custom frames can be constructed to help visualize factors, products, fractional parts and more.
For iPad
Teaching Number Lines
Little Monkey Apps Number Lines helps to introduce the concept of number lines to young students through the use of cute little frogs that make steps and leaps. When introducing basic mathematical skills such as counting, ordering, addition and subtraction, it is important to use a variety of models such as a counters, drawings and number lines to explain and physically model problems.
Little Monkey Apps Number Lines aims to students to visualise numbers for rote counting and ordering and to see the physical position of a number linking patterns and relationships. Unlike counters, which model counting, a number line also models measurement, which is why the number line begins with zero as you would see on a ruler. Students are also exposed to different vocabulary for addition and subtraction such as step forward or jump back to physically suggest the movement of the frog along the number line.
When initially introducing number lines, it is important to physically act out a number line. In conjunction with Little Monkey Apps Number Lines, you might like to make a number line on the floor on masking tape; write numbers on cards and hang them over a piece of string in order; draw a number line on the ground and step out the numbers or you could use boxes or placemats and act out soft toys leaping or stepping from one number to another.
For iPhone and iPad
Click on each image to be taken to app web page.
Note: There are many more apps located on the Interactive Math Sites & Apps page.