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Graphic Organizers for Writing

Graphic organizers are a great way for you to introduce new topics and reinforce learned concepts. No matter which grade level your child is in, graphic organizers provide a great visual tool in order to support learning in a multisensory manner.  Here, you'll find a variety of writing-related graphic organizers that you can print for your child.  Many of the organizers have highlighted fields that you can fill in before printing.


These graphic organizers all came from a site called Teacher Vision in which a membership is required.  Since I have a membership, I am able to share them with you.  If you are interested in more information from them you can try a free seven day membership at

Click each Graphic Organizer image to see full PDF. Many of the organizers contain multiple pages, and examples within the PDF.

Word Relationships

Students use a graphic organizer to think about word relationships. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.

Grade Levels: 5 - 8


Herringbone visually depicts the idea that cause and effect can be like dominoes, one thing acting on others.

Grade Levels: 4 - 8

Time Line

Use this time line graphic organizer to detail events and dates. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing. 

Grade Levels: 4 - 8

Story Map

Using a story map helps children to identify key elements in a story such as characters or events. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.

Grade Levels: 1 - 12

Plot/Story Sequence

This organizer will assist students in ordering the events of a story and understanding the concepts of beginning, middle, and end. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.

Grade Levels: 2 - 5

Writing a Descriptive Paragraph Grade 1

Use this packet to teach your students how to write a descriptive paragraph. A pre-writing group brainstorm sheet, a student brainstorm sheet, and a revision self-check are provided. Teach students how to edit and evaluate their own writing.

Grade Level: 1

Writing a Descriptive Paragraph Grade 2

Use this packet to teach your students how to write a descriptive paragraph. A pre-writing group graphic organizer, a student graphic organizer, and a revision self-check are provided. Teach students how to edit and evaluate their own writing.

Grade Level: 2

Writing a Descriptive Paragraph Grade 3

Use this teacher model to teach your students how to write descriptions. A sample description web, a blank description web, and four different revisions of a descriptive paragraph are provided.

Grade Level: 3

Writing a Descriptive Paragraph Grade 4

Use this teacher model to teach your students how to write descriptions. A sample description web, a blank description web, and four different revisions of a descriptive paragraph are provided.

Grade Level: 4

Writing a Descriptive Paragraph Grade 5

Use this teacher model to teach your students how to write descriptions. A sample description web, a blank description web, and four different revisions of a descriptive paragraph are provided.

Grade Level: 5

Writing a Research Report Grade 1

Use this packet to teach your students how to write a group research report. A graphic organizer model, a blank graphic organizer, and a revising checklist are provided.

Grade Level: 1

Writing a Research Report Grade 2

Use this packet to teach your students how to write a group research report. A graphic organizer model, a blank graphic organizer, and a revising checklist are provided.

Grade Level: 2

Writing a Research Report Grade 3

Students are introduced to writing and editing a research report through this writing process teacher model. It includes a KWL chart model, a blank KWL chart, and four different revisions of an example paper.

Grade Level: 3

Writing a Research Report Grade 4

Students are introduced to writing and editing a research report through this writing process teacher model. It includes a KWL chart model, a blank KWL chart, and four different revisions of a sample paper.

Grade Level: 4

Writing a Research Paper Grade 5

Students are introduced to writing and editing a research report through this writing process teacher model. It includes a model time line, a blank time line, and four different revisions of a sample paper.

Grade Level: 5

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Writing a How-to-Article Grade 2

This graphic organizer will help students cluster their ideas; it's especially useful as a prewriting tool. We've included examples of how students can use this organizer. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.

Grade Levels: 4 - 8

The Five What's and 1 How

Use this graphic organizer in the shape of a hand to detail who, what, when, where, why, and how. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.

Grade Levels: 4 - 8

The Five Sentence Paragraph

I'm a service description. This is a great place for you to say a little more about your services. Double click me to change me and add your own content. To customize me and change my font click on the Design tab in the property panel.

A Map to Organization

Enhance your instruction about story development with this graphic organizer that can be used for prewriting or to explore plot development of a story. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.

Grade Levels: 4 - 8

Paragraph Blue Print

Students map out the sentences in a paragraph with the help of a graphic organizer. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.

Grade Levels: 4 - 8

Writing a Persuasive Letter Graphic Organizer

Use this graphic organizer to help your students write persuasive letters. They will use a persuasion chart to plan their letter, focusing on important reasons that support their purpose. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.

Grades 3-6

Writing a Letter to Persuade Grade 1

Use this packet to teach your students how to write a persuasive letter. An idea web model, a blank idea web, and a revising checklist are provided.

Grade Level: 1

Writing a Letter to Persuade Grade 2

Use this packet to teach students how to write a persuasive letter. Model and blank graphic organizers are provided, as is a revision checklist. Students write the who, what, why, and how of their letter.

Grade Level: 2

Writing a Letter to Persuade Grade 3

Use this packet to teach students how to write a persuasive letter. A model persuasion chart, a blank persuasion chart, and a persuasive letter at four different stages of revision are provided.

Grade Level: 3

Writing a Persuasive Argument Grade 4

Use this packet to teach students to write a persuasive argument. A model graphic organizer, a blank graphic organizer, and four different revisions of a persuasive paragraph are provided.

Grade Level: 4

Writing a Persuasive Argument Grade 5

Use this packet to teach students to write a multiple paragraph persuasive argument. A model graphic organizer, a blank graphic organizer, and four different revisions of a persuasive paragraph are provided.

Grade Level: 5

Writing a How to Article Grade 1

Use this packet to teach your students how to write an instructive article. A model graphic organizer, a blank graphic organizer, and a checklist for revisions are provided.

Grade Level: 1

Writing a How-to-Article Grade 2

Use this packet to teach your students how to write a how-to article. A model graphic organizer, a blank graphic organizer, and a checklist for revisions are provided.

Grade Level: 2

Writing a How-to-Report Grade 3

Students are introduced to the creative method through this writing process teaching model. It includes a sample how-to chart, a blank how-to chart, and four stages of revision to a explanatory report.

Grade Level: 3

Writing a How-to-Report Grade 4

Students are introduced to the creative method through this writing process teaching model. It includes a sample how-to chart, a blank how-to chart, and four stages of revision to a explanatory report.

Grade Level: 4

Writing a How-to-Report Grade 5

Students are introduced to the creative method through this writing process teaching model. It includes a sample how-to chart, a blank how-to chart, and four stages of revision to an explanatory report.

Grade Level: 5

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Use this graphic organizer to help students create outlines for a five-paragraph writing assignment. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.

Grade Levels: 4 - 8

Five Paragraph Essay

Help students write five-paragraph essays with a graphic organizer. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.

Grade Levels: 4 - 8

Cycle Sequence Organizer

Use this graphic organizer to sequence things that repeatedly cycle. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.

Grade Levels: 4 - 8

Story About Me Grade 1

Use this packet to teach your students how to write, edit, and evaluate a personal story. Group and individual pre-writing sheets are provided, as well as a checklist for revisions.

Grade Level: 1

Story About Me Grade 2

Use this packet to teach your students how to write a personal story. Group and individual pre-writing graphic organizers are provided, as well as a checklist for revisions. Students learn to edit and evaluate their personal writing.

Grade Level: 2

Writing a Personal Narrative Grade 3

Use this packet to teach students how to write a personal narrative paragraph. A model story organizer, a blank story organizer, and a personal narrative at four different stages of completion are provided.

Grade Level: 3

Writing a Personal Narrative Grade 4

Use this packet to teach students how to write a personal narrative paragraph. A model story organizer, a blank story organizer, and a personal narrative at four different stages of completion are provided.

Grade Level: 4

Writing a Personal Narrative Grade 5

Use this packet to teach students how to write a personal narrative paragraph. A model time line, a blank time line, and a personal narrative at four different stages of completion are provided.

Grade Level: 5

Writing a Compare & Contrast Essay Grade 2

Use this packet to teach your students how to write a compare-and-contrast essay. A model graphic organizer, a blank graphic organizer, and a checklist for revisions are provided.

Grade Level: 2

Students are introduced to comparing and contrasting through this writing process teaching model. It includes a sample compare-and-contrast chart, a blank compare-and-contrast chart, and four stages of revision to a sample compare-and-contrast essay.

Grade Level: 3

Writing a Compare & Contrast Essay Grade 4

Students are introduced to comparing and contrasting through this writing process teaching model. It includes a sample compare-and-contrast chart, a blank compare-and-contrast chart, and four stages of revision to a sample compare-and-contrast essay.

Grade Level: 4

Writing a Compare & Contrast Essay Grade 5

Students are introduced to comparing and contrasting through this writing process teaching model. It includes a sample compare-and-contrast chart, a blank compare-and-contrast chart, and four stages of revision to a sample compare-and-contrast essay.

Grade Level: 5

Compare and Contrast Matrix grades 4-8

 Help students to easily analyze and compare details with a graphic organizer. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.

Grade Levels: 4 - 8

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