Book Leveling
Book and Reader Characteristics at Each Level
Book Leveling Websites
This site consists of many lists that allow you to search for books by grade level, title, or author.
Search thousands of books leveled for guided reading, Reading Recovery, and Accelerated Reader.
Search books by grade level equivalents, guided reading levels, DRA, or Lexile measure.
These lists are organized in multiple ways for you to search for books by grade level, reading level, or by author and title.
There are multiple ways that books are leveled for children. A common method used is by incoorporating a lettering system in which the letters of the alphabet are coordinated to particular grades as the chart above depicts. It all depends upon which leveling program a school uses, but the programs that use the lettering method are very similar to each other. The above chart is very helpful, but if you are interested in a full chart that contains comparisons of the variety of leveling programs, then click the follow links, but remember leveling comparisons are only close approximations: Pinterest 1, Pinterest 2, PDF
Literacy Leveler™ makes it easy to level children's books in your collection and find books of an appropriate reading level. Supports the popular Lexile®, DRA, and Guided Reading leveling systems.
A great way to organize, level, and track your books!
Scan your book's ISBN to view the Lexile, Guided Reading, Grade Level Equivalent, and/or DRA levels for the book. Perfect for educators and parents.
Book Leveling Apps
Many schools use a program called Accelerated Reader. You can use this 'Quick Find' site to find book leveling, interest level, lexile, and much more about thousands and thousands of books. This is a very useful and easy to use site whether your school uses the program or not.
Book and Reader Characteristics for Each level found at bottom of page.
Book and Reader Characteristics for Each Level per Program
On this site, click the color tab of the grade level you want. Then click "Book Characteristics"
of the same color just below it.